Saturday, April 29, 2017

"April $100,000 GTD:" Updated Chip Counts From The Field

"April $100,000 GTD"
$360 No Limit Hold'em Deep Stack
Level 9 (Blinds 400/800/100)
Total Flight 1E Entries: 168
Flight 1E Players Remaining: 89

Dominic Piziferri (Florida)

Flight 1E was the largest of the five flights to date, with a total of (168) entries, over (60) more than the four before.  Over half of the field still remains, but it should shrink significantly over the course of the next nine levels.  Players return from break with Dominic Piziferri leading the way, sitting with just over 145,000.  Research was not able to yield any recorded results under Dominic's name, so it will be interesting to see how he fares as the flight plays down.

Domonic Piziferri - 145,000
Alan Munoz - 132,000
Charlemagne Benjamin - 121,000
Rafiki Brown - 118,000
Joseph Durso - 102,000
Peter Fellows - 100,000
Jeffrey Trudeau - 95,000

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